Capricorn FM

2024-02-05 19:40:10

5 Feb 2024 @ 19h30 - National Employers Association of South Africa

Broadcast Type: Interview; Tags: Issue, Relating, Mini, Mum, Wage, National, Minimum, Wage, Determination, Rand, Forty, Tagsent, Rand, Fifty, Tagsent, Ordinary, Hour, Worked, Minimum, Wage, National Employers Association of South Africa

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about this issue relating to the new mini mum wage that national is the new minimum wage determination five that is from twenty rand's forty-two tagsent to twenty-seven rand eighty fifty eight tagsent for each ordinary hour worked so minimum wage should be twenty seven fifty rands eight cents and now and does will come into effect it march from the first of from the first of march and national the minimum wage determination also includes the vulnerable sectors of farmworkers domestic workers whom since twenty twenty-two aligned with the national minimum wage rates and so we'll speaking to in the beginning the national employers association of south africa are national there managers jaco swart good evening welcome and good evening thank you good evening you very much thank appreciate your time your reaction what is to the new determination made around the national minimum wage well it's always our position been that that's a minimum south wage for africa is not appropriate we are country developing with extremely high levels of unemployment in fact the highest unemployment rate in the world that measured country and to impose wage a minimum eight point five percent hike a minimum wage in the current economic climate is just counterproductive this you know it you a talking about wage inflation just under hundred rand five thousand four a month for unskilled employees not saying that i'm is a lot of money but in our economy income which is a low economy very few people can afford pay that for unskilled to workers we the leaders just cannot create even more unemployment more and a inequality in the country it counterproductive nca did you say that in the beginning its from introduction you you you had a challenge with it that's correct okay a minimum wage experian wound developed countries we earners have high income you've got you are earning employers protect to vulnerable employees but we country live in a has got on the expanded version of unemployment of forty two percent unemployment rate you're paying and millions of employees a grant three hundred and sixty of rand a month as a poverty grant from government but allowed to enter they're not into a job not permitted by law to enter into job far less for western than five and a half i'm joined month we out at our sensible at the same time at governments in the extreme the extended public works programme so it is to create employment according to the great paying they employees fifteen rand sixteen and our private sector the is not permitted to create jobs if people working for earning a grant fifty rand of a month but not permitted work to so so you is your view that it is high or that minimum they shouldn't be wage that employers should be allowed to determine space how much they can afford that is correct employers pay what they can afford a minimum wage for this country appropriate there is not is a place for it but not in a developing country with an economy it is in fact shrinking creating we are not jobs in fact we each are treading job year underscore just exacerbate exacerbated that problem so a market power to determine right to be got that of course they will be employer that that will abuse employee but you're gonna find that any country not going a minimum wage to stop that they to flout the law just going and employers sassa of her desperate employees for work here that i click about that so you know what apex really beat could it really going to happen any state of people seeking work or to simply going to cause more unemployment i think it's probably going to be the latter because the suggestion was that this protect is meant to workers from being exploited exploited yes by by employees who if there aren't rules rather pay would the list i understand that argument but isn't it even more expectations exploitation but to allowed to work at all work you can't for three or four agree thousand rand to with your employer or potential employer you so have to being a complete poverty and fifty rand a month it we to work cannot professor by government that's exploitation those that are there are saying that actually it stands even as workers just are still able say to an employer to this is what can because i then employers in a desperate situation they take that and for go following this rule or the employer still go and employ illegal the foreign nationals in the country who are not empowered to even speak about issue is this that something you have picked is that something that up is happening it happen will it will definitely happen people into i think are so desperate for employment will that they work for less than this but both that employee and employer is breaking the law and and should they be caught funds out the are quite excessive i'm not mistaken two or three times the minimum wage for difference between the waste the are paying the minimum wage they should be by definition are top a finance of that so it is big risk for an employer a to tag there are but employed is willing to work late obviously but for they are about breaking the law and that's the problem is that contractual arrangement the an employ it work is willing to fully simply to be and able to work earn something washing the bid committee geyser alright well thank you appreciate your time you thank good evening that is the national association employers of south africa's national manager jaco talking swart about that in as far as minimum wage the discussions and positions for and proponents against of as they are opponents of okay just thirteen minutes before eighty on capricorn